Bureau Veritas Tanzania Limited has been appointed by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) for the pre-inspection and collection of advance eco levy fees on electronic communication equipment imported into the United Republic of Tanzania as part of the implementation of the requiremnt of the Electronic and Postal Communications (Electronic Communication Equipment and Ewaste Management) Regulations of 2020. Following the implementation of this programme, all electronic communication equipment imported into the country shall undergo assessment to verify that they are have not reached their end of life and comply on the requirement for level of hazardous substances as well as type approval requirement.
Imported electronic communication equipment shall be paid advance eco levy fees as required under the regulations in respect of handling their end of life processes and electronic waste management.
Importers of electronic communication equipment are obliged to ensure that all imported electronic electronic communication equipment are complies to these requirement before importation. Bureau veritas shall issue cerificates to all consignement that are verified to comply with the requirement.
Manufacturers in the United Republic of Tanzania shall ensure electronic communication equipment and checked to verify compliance to level of hazardous substances and type approval requirement before introducing them into the market.
This programme shall start on 23rd May 2023.