License for importation

In order to import new electronic communication equipment, an individual or a company is required to obtain The Importation License from TCRA. This importers license is to be attached as a minimum requirement for application of Eco levy certificate. An Exporter should contact the Importer to provide a copy of importers license for submission.

This license can be obtained by filing an online application through the website .The applicant will be required to register and provide the required information to complete the application, including paying the license fees.

Requirement for type approval

Pursuant to section 83 (1) of the Electronic and Postal Communications Act, 2010, all electronic communication equipment to be used for connection to electronic communication network for receiving and/or transmitting electronic communication signals shall be Type Approved by TCRA to verify that the equipment is suitable for communication use according to national and international standards and the national frequency usage plan. Record of type approved equipment are kept in a special database (Type approval database).

Therefore, an individual or a company wishing to import electronic communication equipment shall ensure that the equipment is typed approved by checking the model through the following link here. In addition, where the electronic communication equipment is not type approved, the importer/Exporter shall submit an application for type approval of the equipment by signing in and requesting type approval here.

The assesment of electronic communication equipment will be carried out at the country of export before being imported to the United Republic of Tanzania. The inspection will consider the following: -

    a) The limits of hazardous materials used to manufacture the equipment not applicable for used equipment’s.
    b) Manuals on how to dismantle equipment when it reaches its end not applicable for used equipment’s.
    c) Proof of type approval for use in the United Republic of Tanzania.
    d) Accurate information provided when applying for importation, including documentation on the equipment.
    e) The capacity to continue functioning if it has already been used in the country of origin (for used equipment’s).

All electronic communication equipment that fails to meet the set criteria will not be allowed to be imported into the country.

The completion of the assessment processes will depend on the availability of all necessary information that are submitted during the application for importation.


Used electronic communication equipment will be treated as electronic waste if: -

    a) The equipment is destined for disposal or recycling, instead of failure analysis or reuse, or its fate is uncertain.
    b) The equipment is not complete, essential parts are missing and the equipment cannot perform its key functions.
    c) The equipment shows a defect that materially affects its functionality and fails relevant functionality tests.
    d) The equipment shows physical damage that impairs its functionality or safety, as defined in relevant standards, and cannot be repaired at a reasonable cost.
    e) The protection against damage during transport, loading and unloading operations is inappropriate, e.g., the packaging or stacking of the load is insufficient.
    f) The equipment is particularly worn or damaged in appearance and its appearance reduces its marketability.
    g) The equipment has among its constituent part(s) a hazardous component that or contains hazardous substances to an extent that the equipment is required to be disposed of, is prohibited to be exported or is prohibited for use in such equipment.